Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Everyone's record collection needs

a little airing out from time to time, so let's start here.

Today's theme:

Pretty-lady-in-multiple number 1:
She's looking mighty caliente in her silver dress, and although it
seems as if this spandex and organza fantasy has sucked all
the flesh from her bones, she sure does know how to work those poses.
Pretty-lady-in-multiple number 2:
She's got that Irving Penn thing going on, with a little
bit of raver thrown in "just for fun".
She also looks like she could use a trip to Arby's.
Pretty-lady-in-multiple number 3:
Dionne Warwick, no less.
Flippy hair and a somewhat Victorian framing says 1960s.
By the way, if you like the groovy mellow sounds of
Burt Bacharach, you'll flip for this album.
Pretty-lady-in-multiple number 4:
Ah ha ha ha ha!!! Again! Ah ha ha ha!
Pretty-lady-in-multiple number 5:
Della's got that same style dress as
Pretty-lady-in-multiple number 1. Cha cha cha!
Note the name of the arranger and conductor, I kid you not:
O.B. Masingill (the patron saint of feminine hygiene?).
Pretty-lady-in-multiple number 6:
As with pretty ladies in multiples on record sleeves everywhere,
she's lost all inhibition!
Pretty-lady-in-multiple number 7:
Here the art director cropped the pretty lady in multiple for a
Third Man funhouse approach.
By the way, here's Billy May, a former lead trumpeter
for the Glenn Miller band and arranger to such folks as
Frank Sinatra, Nat "King" Cole and Ella Fitzgerald, trying to
figure out what the fuck to do in the late sixties.
I guess Capitol had him under contract.
Pretty-lady-in-multiple number 8:
Well, not pretty lady, but pretty ladies!
Same design convention, but this time you get to take your pick!
If anyone else out there has more covers with this theme,
please send them!


This sent by our friend Fred Davis.
A bit of photoshop trickery on an existing cover featuring
three pretty ladies, er, eunuchs!
You can find more of these fun covers at the
Complete Triplechin Discograpy:


Blogger fred davis said...

doth my browser deceive me?

sweet gentle jesus take me now! the freakin' grant report rules!

here's one for your collection.

10:18 AM  
Blogger F Ron Miller said...

It's only right that Mr. Grant should have his Mary. Just as it's only right the the inter-web should have the Grant Report!
signed, an eluvial fan

10:29 AM  

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